About Tamarra


I am a woman of many experiences with a propensity for details (my recovering perfectionist side) born out of the “not enoughness” in my life. I often think about my past and know that who I am is shaped and molded by my view of what was going on in the world around me, made up stories I believed and lots of time proving that although I felt I was being defined by other, proving that I knew better! 

Allowed, in many ways for situations and others to define me.

I didn’t have a sense of self because I was trying to desperately to “fit in” when now I know I was meant to stand out

It took me years (mid thirties) to have an epiphany about how my life was going… and set out to start all over again. Erase the past by cutting out people who no longer served me.. (HUGE MOVE) and start all over with me (selfishly).

Tamarra Causley Robinson, PCC, ELI-MP

Tamarra Causley Robinson, PCC, ELI-MP

At that point, life truly did begin again… the last 20 years has been like a shot put.. so much better and more fulfilling than the first few decades. And I know the remaining years will be even more amazing Not that the first few decades didn’t teach me something and I learned a lot about my choices, my thoughts, unchanged patterns and unspoken requests were getting me (same old .. same old). Something  had to give.

Suffice it to say, I was tested on these new principles and ways of doing things. I extended myself (literally) into experiences that I would normally talk myself out of “just to see if I could do it. Quite daring, I suppose, when your livelihood was on the line. But what better to hang in the balance and really work for the outcomes you’re looking for. So press on I did.

Challenging my thought process also encouraged the courage to push the boundaries of others in their thinking.. Corporate experiences don’t have to be “what they are”. I don’t really have to accept that “it is what it is” I can be iat choice for what I what my “it” to be. After being introduced to what coaching was as a profession, I was drawn to jump into the certification head first. Someone saw it in me and cared enough to share. My life has changed exponentially when I hired a coach to help me with “the rest of it.. and believe me, it was a lot”! lol My mission in life is to call it as I see it (in a meaningful and respectful way) with my clients so they can do the same.  

Working with me is not about putting on fronts (smoke & mirrors) to get to unreachable and quite frankly cookie cutter goals and aspirations. I look forward to my clients to achieving unprecedented and unfathomable accomplishments that they didn’t initially believe for themselves. Certainly, many get what they come for as their input in the process guarantees noticeable outputs over time. They gain courage, momentum, forward thinking, new awareness, a new pep in their step because they chose THEMSELVES FIRST and gratefully, me to partner with them in their journey, because it’s the desire of my clients to gain the courage, the momentum needed to not only transform their thinking but to change the trajectory of their life.

See my more formal bio here 

You and your voice deserve to be heard.” 
— Tamarra Causley Robinson